If you’re living in an apartment or condo, chances are you’re probably experiencing the same feeling of claustrophobia that many homeowners feel. A small space can feel even smaller if it’s cluttered or if you have fewer furnishings, so it’s important to have the right balance of furniture and other items to make sure your small room feels big enough for you to feel comfortable. The tips below will help you make the most of your interior renovation ideas to expand small spaces and give you the most out of your living space so that your personal area looks as large as possible.

Remove unnecessary walls   

One of the easiest ways to make your small room look bigger is by removing unnecessary walls. If you have an enclosed nook or alcove, for example, and it doesn’t serve any purpose other than for storage, this might be a good place for some paint and new curtains. The space will seem larger because there is no need to walk around the wall. You only want to remove one wall, you can paint it in a bright color that contrasts with the rest of the room.

Cover it with shelving or wallpaper so that it looks intentional rather than accidental.

I would recommend leaving at least one wall in place (a bookshelf) if possible so as not to impede on light coming into the room. It may be beneficial to add more light fixtures to the remaining walls if you are trying to expand a small area with just one open side. You could also invest in floor-to-ceiling mirrors strategically placed along the perimeter of the room; their reflective properties can make anything appear much larger.

A few inexpensive, large pieces of art work well too. Finally, don’t forget about color! Painting your walls white has always been a popular choice when trying to create the illusion of more space. But using darker colors, such as black and navy blue also work well when used sparingly.

Mounts some shelves and cabinets  

Mounting some shelves and cabinets on the walls can make your small room look much bigger. They also provide you with more storage space for things that are usually cluttered around your living space like books, DVDs, or other knick-knacks. You can get them in different sizes and finishes so they will complement the rest of your decor.

If your budget is tight, then we recommend using simple shelving made out of plywood. Just make sure that it’s secured firmly to the wall so that it doesn’t shake when you use it to store heavier items! Wall units may be worth investing in if you want more surface area to display your belongings. While these may be more expensive, their style won’t go out of fashion any time soon.

The great thing about mounting a shelf or cabinet on the wall is that it’s really easy to change its location whenever you need to. So next time you feel like your living room needs an update, just move the shelf and cabinet away from where they were before!

Closets may be used for storage  

When renovating your home or office, adding storage space is always an option. Closets are usually underutilized and should be considered when looking for ways to make a small room look bigger. One way to utilize this area of the home is by lining it with shelves that can hold clothes and shoes, crafting supplies, books and other items.

Another option would be to add a curtain rod so clothing can hang instead of taking up floor space. If you’re feeling really ambitious, consider building shelving units on the wall instead of in the closet. Be sure you have enough room before you start though! Floor space may seem like a luxury when there’s not much of it to go around.

Before deciding where to place shelves and other pieces of furniture, measure the dimensions of your room; width-to-length ratio is key. Measure from one corner of the room to the opposite corner, dividing this number by two. The resulting number is how many feet (or meters) will fit across your walls without bumping into each other if they were hung side-by-side. Draw a horizontal line across the length of your wall at eye level to find out how many feet will fit vertically.

Add these numbers together and subtract them from the total square footage of your room. Anything left over after this calculation indicates usable floor space. You can then use this space as you see fit. Remember, closets and dressers take up some of the available square footage in any room. While they do offer storage solutions, they also block off more than their fair share of floor space. To keep things simple, we recommend placing anything you don’t need to access daily within the confines of your closet/dresser.

Open up the ceilings  

One easy way to make your small room look bigger is by opening up the ceilings. One of the best ways to do this is through exposed beams. This will let more light in and make your space seem more open. It’s also important that you have plenty of natural light coming in so it will create the illusion of more space. This can be done with large windows or even skylights. You’ll want to avoid adding heavy, bulky furniture because it will take up too much space.

Instead opt for pieces that are lighter and more streamlined like chairs and tables, bookcases, mirrors, plants, artwork, etc. You’ll also want to place any heavy furniture along the walls rather than in the center of the room as they’ll help balance out all the other light weight pieces. The last tip is to avoid filling up the space with clutter. Keep everything looking neat and organized, not only will it make your small room feel bigger but it will also be easier on the eyes when trying to relax!

If there are any items that need to stay on display, such as children’s toys or a bouquet of flowers, try grouping them together into an arrangement where they’re tucked away into corners and nooks. Another thing you can do is install shelves at various heights to display different items. And finally, if your ceiling isn’t high enough then hang things from the ceiling so it looks like there is an extra layer! That should give you some inspiration for making your small room appear bigger.

Remember that the trick is to use lots of light and spacious looking furnishings which will draw attention away from how small the room really is. Good luck!

Paint your walls a light color to make the room feel bigger

One of the first steps for making a small room look bigger is by painting your walls a light color. Light colors will give the illusion that your room is taller and wider than it actually is. A light yellow can create an open and airy space, whereas blue will give you more of a serene feeling. If you have a dark-colored flooring or furniture, consider using light colors on the walls to make your room feel larger.

Keep in mind that these paint choices won’t work if they’re next to one another – it’s best to stick with either dark or light colors throughout the entire room.  Try out different colors until you find what works best for your home!

Use mirrors strategically to reflect more light into space

Mirrors are one of the most affordable, easy and effective ways to make a small room look bigger. Position them across from windows or near the ceiling to reflect light into dark corners. Mirrors are one of the most affordable, easy and effective ways to make a small room look bigger. Position them across from windows or near the ceiling to reflect light into dark corners. Try not to place more than three mirrors together, as this may result in an over-reflective appearance. Consider using floor-to-ceiling mirrors on two opposite walls to create a feeling of depth and openness in your space.

Fill any large empty spaces with furniture that matches your décor. For example, if you have a lot of natural light coming into your home, fill those areas up with plants or hang pictures so it doesn’t feel so empty. If you don’t want to add clutter to the room then instead use low profile pieces like nightstands, coffee tables and lamps. You can also add mirrors to these pieces to enhance the effect. Hang curtains on the perimeter of windows (rather than covering them) which will give the illusion that they go all the way down to touch the ground; by doing this you will get lighter reflected into your room and make it appear brighter.

Take advantage of staircase storage

One of the best ways to make any room feel bigger is by incorporating staircase storage. You can store everything from books, shoes and jackets on the steps of the stairs. This will create an illusion that the room is wider than it actually is. It also creates hidden storage for things you don’t want seen as well as providing your guests with seating.  The type of material used for the steps should be something like wood or even brick so they blend in nicely. The upper part of the step could have decorative molding which would look good when lit up at night.

Fixtures and appliances should be simple and compact

In order to make a small room look bigger, it’s important that you have simple and compact fixtures and appliances. You can also use mirrors or art to create the illusion of more space. If you are going for an industrial look, consider hanging exposed pipes or lighting fixtures on the wall. The key is to find balance between having enough of these elements while still keeping the room looking streamlined and minimalistic.

Another way to make a room feel larger is to position furnishings at one end of the room so that there is open space at the other end. Another tip: avoid placing furniture against walls since this will create a sense of enclosure in your living area. As with any interior redesign project, you want to start with a few ideas and then allow yourself the freedom to explore various options before deciding on what works best for you. A lot of people assume that all homeowners need lots of space but it’s not always true. With a few clever design ideas like those mentioned above, even those with smaller spaces can enjoy their home in ways they never thought possible!

A Quick Wrap  

Most people have had the experience of living in a small space, whether it be an apartment, dormitory room or studio. While these homes may offer some benefits in terms of affordability and proximity to work or school, they can also feel cramped and claustrophobic. Fortunately, there are many design tips that can help make a small home look bigger and more open.